Way’s to connect to Cyberguerrilla IRC

IRC: || SSL PORT 6697 [ClearNet] irc.cyberguerrilla.org [Tor] ( See tor-load-balancing-and-redundancy ) [Tor] 6dvj6v5imhny3anf.onion [Tor] imb27556jpb6g65j.onion [Tor] syw2dgfr2dlclfat.onion [I2P] | See I2P || PORT 6669 For our security-conscious clients: The below fingerprints may be used to verify the identity of cyberguerrilla IRC server’s. WebChat: [ClearNet] webchat.cyberguerrilla.org [ClearNet] webchat.antirep.net [Tor] ( See tor-load-balancing-and-redundancy … Continue reading Way’s to connect to Cyberguerrilla IRC