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By Doemela avatar | June 29, 2016 - 9:17 pm
Configuring Client SSL Certificates for Irssi
  1. Copy the cert you made into your ~/.irssi directory. Make sure the filesystem permissions restrict read access for the file to just you.
    mv mynick.pem ~/.irssi/mynick.pem
  2. We will add/edit a network for cyberguerrilla. We’ll creatively call it cyberguerrilla. It’s case-sensitive, and the name doesn’t matter as long as it’s used consistently.
    /network add -whois 1 -msgs 4 -kicks 1 -modes 4 cyberguerrilla

    You might also add parameters for -nick, -user, and/or -realname. See /help network for details.

  3. In irssi, each network can support multiple servers, but we only need to add one:
    /server add -auto -ssl -ssl_cert ~/.irssi/mynick.pem -network cyberguerrilla irc.cyberguerrilla.org 6697
  4. The next time you /connect cyberguerrilla or start irssi, you will automatically be connected to cyberguerrilla using your SSL certificate.
  5. After connecting with the updated configuration, /whois yournick will show:

    -!-           : is using a secure connection -!-           : has client certificate fingerprint f1ecf46714198533cda14cccc76e5d7114be4195

    (Your fingerprint will be different, of course.)

  6. You can tell NickServ to automatically identify based on this certificate fingerprint by doing:
    /msg nickserv CERT ADD

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