What is jabber?
Jabber is an open standard for instant messages as well as voice and video chat. With jabber, you can send and receive messages between corporate services like Google Chat, as well as activist providers like riseup.net or autistici.org.
Using jabber service
Your cyberguerrilla.org email address also serves as your jabber address. For someone to send you a jabber message or buddy request, they just need to send it to .
Don’t have a account here than register a Cyberguerrilla jabber account here
In order to configure a jabber client, you need this information:
- protocol: jabber (xmpp)
jabber account:
- password: your cyberguerrilla password
It is very important than you configure your client to always require encryption. Some clients have a setting “encryption if available”. Even though the cyberguerrilla.org servers require encryption, if your client is configured to use “encryption if available” an attacker can easily acquire your password.
Some jabber clients will ask for your username and domain separately. In this case, you would specify:
jabber username:
- jabber domain: jab.cyberguerrilla.org
For tutorials on specific clients, see our clearnet jabber clients, onion jabber clients, garlic jabber clients, CgAn XMPP IM Tor Messenger.
For added security
You can access our jabber server via:
Tor hidden service
Invisible Internet Project (I2P)
(See also our Onions & Garlic page for a complete list of hidden nodes)
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